Breast Augmentation Consultation

Be Well Prepared: Use Breast Implant Sizers Before And After Your Consultation

During your first consultation appointment, you will have a brief period of time to try on a variety of different breast implant sizes. Unfortunately, your time will be rather limited. You will get about 20 minutes to try out breast implant sizers. Have fun while you are trying on these sizers. They can give you a visual glance of what you might look like with breast implants. Is a C cup a good fit for you, or a D cup?

Perhaps this brief amount of time to try different sizes of implants will be sufficient for you. However, for most women, it is far better to consider this size decision at your leisure; to try out a few different breast implant sizes while wearing your own clothing and going about your normal activities. It would be far more illuminating to wear them all day, or even over a few weeks to get accustomed to the look and feel of various breast implant sizes.

This extended trial period is now possible with breast implant sizing systems that you can buy online to try out in the privacy of your home. Take all the time you need to try out a wide variety of sizes. For example you can start with a set of 350cc sizers, then 400cc's next week. We suggest that you use your brief time in the doctor's office to narrow your desired size to a specific range of sizes. Then you can order a set of Purlz™ breast sizers spanning your approximate size and live with these choices long enough to fine-tune your preferences.

Are you planning on breast augmentation in the near future? It might be wise to begin your decision with before and after photos online. Then try your approximate size at the doctor's office. Finally "test drive" your new body with Purlz™ breast implant sizers over a longer period of time to feel confident about your final decision. Get not only a 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional image of yourself, but also an experiential sense of your new body before you make your size choice.

The last step of this process is to wear your favorite size breast sizers to your doctor's appointment prior to your surgery. This will give your doctor a very clear idea of what you want. He or she will be able to determine the best choice of implant for you based on the size you have chosen and the visual effect of that size on your body. Purlz™ breast sizers are accurately labeled with the amount of fill by volume in cubic centimeters, like implants. Knowing that your preference is an additional 350c's and seeing the effect of these sizers on your body, your doctor may decide that the best choice for you is a low profile 400cc implant to accomplish the same effect when the implants are in place.

Our goal is to help you and your doctor make the best possible size decision to give you exactly what you want the first time!

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