Four Incision Site Options

There are four incision sites used for breast augmentation:

  1. Around the nipple (periareolar),
  2. Within the breast fold (inframammary),
  3. Under the arm (transaxillary) and
  4.  In the navel or belly button (transumbilical).

Your surgeon will be your best guide when it comes to the pros and cons of the breast augmentation incision site specifically recommended for you.

Periareolar Incision
This incision is placed at the lower edge of the areola (the darker area of the nipple).  Typically the resulting scar is more concealed, but since it involves cutting through breast tissue, it may sever milk ducts and nerves. Therefore it is associated with a higher likelihood of breast feeding difficulties and some degree of sensitivity loss in the nipples.

Inframammary Incision
Also called a "crease incision," this is the most commonly used incision site. It is made at the breast fold, or where the breast fold will be after surgery. This incision is generally more visible than the periareolar. However, because of its placement so close to the breast, the surgeon has far more control over implant placement. This incision location avoids cutting through breast tissue and so breast feeding and sensory functions are unaffected.

Transaxillary Incision
This incision is made under the arm. A lighted camera (endoscope) is used to help tunnel through the subcutaneous fat to create a pocket behind the breast. With this incision, there is no scar on the breast itself, a highly valued benefit of this technique. However, there will be a visible scar under the arm which may also interfere with shaving under the arms.  There may also be some numbness in the inner area of the upper arm after surgery. Finally, implant placement during the procedure is somewhat more difficult with this incision because the incision is farther away from the breast. 

Transumbilical Incision
This incision is made in the belly button or umbilical channel. Obviously, this avoids any visible scarring. However the implant placement is much more difficult because of the distance from the breasts. Only saline-filled implants can be inserted from this incision site. Please see our discussion, " Transumbilical (TUBA) Breast Augmentation."

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