Choosing Breast Implant Size

There have been several methods used to help women with their breast size choice, but the fact remains that many women still wish they had chosen a different size.    A common method in the breast augmentation industry is known as "the rice test," a very cheap way to gain a view of what you might look like.  The rice test involves:

•Filling a square plastic baggie with a comparable volume of rice to that of an implant
•Stuffing your round bra cup with the square rice bag.
•Standing in front of a mirror to determine if you like what you see.

This common practice results in the poor satisfaction noted above.  The leading cause of dissatisfaction in breast augmentation is the size of the breast implants.  The rice test is a bit primitive and archaic considering advancements in the plastic surgery field.

The advantage of the rice test is that it is an inexpensive way to get a general notion of your new look.  However, considering the cost  and all the surgical risks involved, is it truly a good idea to cut corners on this important decision?  Instead, we suggest taking the matter more seriously. A  multi-faceted approach may help you to avoid the risks of a second breast augmentation procedure:

•View before and after photos of various breast sizes.
•Try to find body types similar to yourself in order to compare breast implant sizes and their effects on the breasts and bodies of women whose bodies are as much like yours as possible.
•Communicate with your doctor about your expectations about breast size in order to help him or her decide what implant size and type will accomplish your goals.
•Some doctors offer a 3-D imaging machine which can help you see what your breasts will look like with various size choices.
•Wear the Purlz™ Breast Sizing System over a period of a few weeks to see which breast implant size feels best to you before you make a final choice.
•Try wearing them not only around the house but in public as well. Wear them during a variety of activities. 

Wearing the Purlz™ breast sizing system can help you notice how you feel about yourself with various breast sizes in a wide variety of environments.


Wear the Purlz™ Breast Sizing System
The Purlz™ Breast Sizing System, designed by L.W. Gatz, allows you to try on various breast implant sizes in cubic centimeters over an extended period of time. Breast Sizing Purlz™ are comparable in shape and volume to breast implant choices, but shape well to the natural breast when compressed within a bra. The system is lightweight, comfortable, and durable for extended wear.

Wearing your breast size choices can be fun at the same time as rewarding.  You will notice that your choice in breast size may change over time.  Some women have reported that they were surprised by their size choice after wearing the system.  Some decided to choose a larger size implant, while others chose a smaller set.

•See what you will look like by standing in front of a mirror.
•Spend the weekend wearing the breast implant sizing system. Shop for your new clothes!
•Test-drive various sizes until you find the one that seems the best to you.
•Most importantly - take your time trying different sizes in various activities and in your favorite clothes.

Take before and after photos of yourself
Take before and after photos of yourself while wearing Purlz™ on your own body.  Bring these photos to your final breast augmentation consultation with your doctor.  This provides another method of communicating your true desires to your doctor, communication which is critical to achieving the results you truly want from your breast augmentation procedure.

Wear your Purlz™ Breast Sizing System to your doctor's office for the final consultation prior to your breast augmentation surgery.  While photos can be helpful in communicating your choice of breast implant size to your doctor, nothing can make it more precise than wearing breast sizers of a specific cubic centimeter size to show your doctor exactly the breast size you would like to achieve with your breast augmentation procedure.

Communicating with your doctor
Communication with your breast implant doctor about  your goals in breast augmentation is absolutely critical and is, of course, the most important factor in your breast implant sizing choice.

Experiencing various sizes before your breast augmentation can help you choose the right size the first time with your doctor.

Your doctor will welcome your engagement in this important decision.  By the time you are ready to make your final choice, you will be able to communicate thoroughly by:

1) Demonstrating exactly how you want to look by wearing the Purlz™ system to the office.
2) Providing before and after photos of yourself with and without the Purlz™ as another mode of communication.
3) Finally, by verbally articulating the effect you are looking to achieve in terms both of you can understand.

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